MY beautiful brother Richard - I knew him as D or Deekins. Uncle, brother, friend, sweet child of God. How I miss you my son, my little big brother. I will always remember and cherish the precious times we spent together. As your oldest brother, I always felt a special care for you as I was there in your rough and smooth paths of life. I only wished I could have been with you on the night you died. I have very happy and special memories of when you lived with Gill and I - boy did we have some crazy times together! I love you my son and have no doubt what so ever that our faith and belief in Christ Jesus will bring us together again one fine day. Gill Lehanna Jeunita Lester and Harry all send their love to you my son you are glorified in heaven. We shall carry your bright shining light down here. I am my brothers keeper, born again for ever beloved son Richard Deekins death will not divide us eternal life is Gods eternal promise so enjoy my son love always and for ever your brother Lester xxx