Tim Arcaro

Created by arcarot 16 years ago
I met Richard on a religious Pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres a few years ago. Richard and I spent the better part of the first day talking and walking 30 miles togehter. You can learn an awful lot about a person if you walk 30 miles with them. Richard was a kind, thoughtful, and cheerful soul. On the second day of the pilgrimage, poor Richard was in terrible shape and walking just like an accordian. We laughed together at the prospect of walking 40 miles in such terrible condition. Well after the pilgrimage ended, Richard and I kept in touch. I stayed with Richard in London as a nice respite when I was traveling to other parts of the world. Richard was hospitable and I genuinely enjoyed his company. Richard, I'm sorry you never made it to Florida for that much discussed visit but our mutual suffering on the pilgrimage has left an indelible mark on my soul. You were a good man, and a good friend. I'm happy our paths crossed and I'll never forget your charm and lovely accent. May God bless you and keep you close in everlasting glory. You were loved and now missed.